速報APP / 生活品味 / DIY Sugar Scrub

DIY Sugar Scrub





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



DIY Sugar Scrub(圖1)-速報App

Make your body feel young and energetic again with the remarkable and 100% natural DIY Sugar Scrub

We all are in search of natural treatments to breathe life back into the body & skin and make them look younger and more beautiful than ever before. Although, one can never totally trust a product made somewhere else. The best way to tackle this issue is to make your own DIY Sugar Scrub from amazing natural products found easily at home!

The Sugar Scrub is an exfoliating body treatment and are much more gentle and nourishing alternative than the salt scrubs. A renowned body treatment offered at several beauty spas, now you can treat your body with all the same benefits of sugar scrub from the luxury of your own home. Keep your body and skin young and fresh for long and always stay ready to enjoy the beauty of the nature and the goodness of environment.

The benefits of DIY Sugar Scrub and countless and each can have a great beautifying and relaxing effect on your body and on your mind. A very better method than salt scrubs as it damages your skin temporary while sugar scrubs does no harm whatsoever and skins stay smooth and fresh during the entire process.

Let’s get natural and adopt this best method for treating our body during the oily and moist seasons of the years. The DIY Sugar Scrub App is designed and developed by professionals who shares a strong passion for beautifying you!

DIY Sugar Scrub(圖2)-速報App

Here is a list of Amazing Features of DIY Sugar Scrub

• Easy to Make

• Convenient and Low Cost

• Highly Effective

• Long and Natural Soothing Effect

DIY Sugar Scrub(圖3)-速報App

• Good Ingredients

• Non-Harmful to Body

• Best for All Seasons

Here is a list of content in this app:

Diy Peppermint Sugar Scrub Bars

DIY Sugar Scrub(圖4)-速報App

Diy Gingerbread Sugar Scrub

Diy Coffee Body Scrub

Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub

How To Make Sugar Scrub Cubes

Lemon Honey Sugar Scrub

DIY Sugar Scrub(圖5)-速報App

Diy Mint Sugar Scrub

Oatmeal & Honey Homemade Sugar Scrub

Peach Passion Sugar Scrub

Sweet Vanilla Sugar Scrub

Cranberry Sugar Scrub

DIY Sugar Scrub(圖6)-速報App

Green Tea Sugar Scrub

Apple Cinnamon Sugar Scrub

Whipped Grapefruit Mint Sugar Scrub

Vanilla Chai Sugar Scrub

Lemon Sugar Scrub

DIY Sugar Scrub(圖7)-速報App

Cinnamon Vanilla Sugar Scrub

Eucalyptus Sugar Scrub

Vanilla Pumpkin Spice Sugar Scrub

Diy Cucumber Mint Sugar Scrub

We always stay up to date with the latest upcoming and new fashion trends and our main goal is to thrill as many beauty lovers as possible.

DIY Sugar Scrub(圖8)-速報App



DIY Sugar Scrub(圖9)-速報App